Read up on the process at https://www.mtsra.org/new-referees
Complete this Beginner Referee Checklist provided by the Montana Soccer Referee Program.
Register for and complete the Beginner Referee Online Course (plan on ~4 hours)
Create an Account at https://mtsra.omgtsys.com/
Complete background check and US Soccer Abuse Prevention Training (plan on ~90min)
Complete US Soccer Safe and Healthy Environments Training (~30min)
Take the OMS Referee Test
Register for and complete an in-person field-session
Be sure to save your registration receipts - you can turn these fees back to our club for reimbursement once you referee 3 games with us.
Once you complete the online modules you’ll need to do an in-person field session (watch this space for our next local session or look here). For this session please bring the following items:
Clothing appropriate to run around, play soccer, and be comfortable based on the weather
Any referee gear already purchased or available – whistle and/or flags.
Something to write with and on
A device with the IAFB app: https://www.theifab.com/logapp/ with the current laws of the game. A printed version would also work (https://www.theifab.com).
Course Details
Minimum age is 13 years old
Clark Fork will reimburse you for your registration fees once you complete the course and referee 3 games for us (which you will get paid for)
If you are 18 years of age or older there is a mandatory US Soccer background check
All assignments must be completed to be certified as a grassroots referee.
For questions please contact:
-Nick Lawyer (Clark Fork Soccer Referee Coordinator) – nick.lawyer@montana.com; 406-241-2720
-Dave Wrobleski (Clark Fork Soccer Alliance President) - wysaplains@gmail.com
Laws of the Game: https://www.ussoccer.com/referee-program/laws-of-the-game
How to Get Paid: https://www.mtsra.org/refereeing-resources/how-to-get-paid-for-referee-assignments
Adding Safe Sport Certificate To US Soccer: https://ussoccerfederation.force.com/lcsupport/s/article/Profile-is-Missing-my-SafeSport-Certificate
U10 soccer Build-Out Line
Montana Soccer Referees: https://www.mtsra.org/